Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cat Scan Stomach Ulcer

garden - is part of a managed

Good morning my friends, after a weekend of hard work with my brother - with the bulk of the work done by him - is now finally completed the rock garden around the fountain. Now only the fountain, I would sooo like half a wooden barrel, and a little planting and Special. It was hard work, but I think it was worth it, I'm so happy it's finally finished. Here are a few pictures of the work.
  • Sincerely your Petra

Life begins on the date on which you have a garden port (Chinese proverb).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Listen Pink Panther Song

Welcome to

going on this blog, I deal with issues that I find interesting, and incredibly moving. I have already undergone many divisions in my life and am currently in the 'search' for the perfect place that fills me both personally and professionally. My interests crystallize more and more. In the last time I was aware of the significant role of political, media, business, culture and sport play in my life.

In this newly created blog, I try to explain issues objectively treat / (knowledge is subjective), so you can make your own opinion. There is nothing worse than not to have their own opinion. referenced , Indians are a student in his thesis dealt with the topic of "influence of media": This is also equal to the website. The difficulty will certainly lie in the objectivity, because of course I'm biased and I've already formed my own opinions about the topics I will write about.

I still hope I can give you a few topics that interested me even closer to them and make palatable. In this sense I wish you much fun on my blog and look forward to your posts of course.


Monday, August 2, 2010

How To Change Number Lock Of Vip Suitcase

New family member

My parents got a kitten from the friend of my brother ... the little girl is sooo cute. Here are a few pictures of the little ones, with proposals for the way we are very grateful. In our family, or is it already in my parents' house the dog Cora and the black puss Molly. Well this is very important of course also my puss Snoopy in my own home, by the way, has much resemblance to the little ones. I wish you a wonderful sunny day.
  • Sincerely your Petra

PS: The little one is quicker than a sack full of fleas, he needs to be pretty on the ball and finds the best hiding places, outdoors prefer under cars. Therefore we have for the time being, if it is outside on a leash, so they are not immediately cuts off - we do after all keep even longer.