Workshop: BlueBox World Smart Edit and Bogart SE
Whenever it comes to scene content to combine, not to shoot at a location at the same time, or in the same size scale, we must rely on special effects.
A very popular and easy to realize the trick is called chroma key effect. Also known as blue-box trick. Nevertheless, in applying this trick to take care. Previously, the effect was mostly shot against a blue background. Today, the color green has been established. In principle, one could also use any color.
And that is our subject today.
My workshop is structured so that every user can understand each step well. I wish you much fun with the implementation of own ideas!
The effect is shown with the program BlueBox World on a Casablanca editing system. The program is suitable for Smart Edit software system, available as well for Bogart SE.
The recommended price is 129.00 EUR.
Get more information:
TIP: Instead of the scenes
insert a row, you can add to the scene and punched as an insert. This time the effect is set very flexible.
A film sample was used in the performance of this effect, it is here:
The Actor "Frank Moris" was later inserted there. The background was still expecting something out of focus, so that more depth is created in the image.
All data without guarantee!
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