Workshop: Working with external media - Part 2: Store 'n' Share
Store 'n' Share is a supplement to the system software Bogart Casablanca SE.
The current Casablanca standalone editing systems have a built-in system disk. This
up to 2 TB of disk, up to 30 projects simultaneously processed be.
With Store 'n' Share, you can connect additional external hard drives to the editing system. A capture of videos, images and samples can then be made directly to this external hard drive.
created a backup can be converted into a project file. Then you can also edit the existing Backup on. Later is also of the restore (Restore to the internal hard disk).
advantages in using the program include:
first With the possible need to reinstall the system remain the project data is retained.
(data from the archives and the media manager, however, be deleted and can be otherwise secured).
second The external hard drive can also be used in other systems with Bogart SE, provided there is also `Store` n Share installed.
In my workshop I present the features and the possibilities of the program.
The price of the software is approximately EUR 129.00
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All data without guarantee!
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